
How Big Is Baby 32 Weeks Fruit

Pregnancy is an amazing time. Hello, you literally grow a new person in 40 weeks! From a teeny-tiny, pinhead-sized blip to a full-size newborn, it's a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring feat. To help you visualize your baby's weekly growth, it's helpful to compare your baby's size to something familiar, like the fruits and vegetables you see regularly at the grocery store. It's so exciting to see your baby change from a tiny embryo the size of a blueberry to a nearly-here baby the size of a watermelon!

One thing to note: although we use the word baby in each week here, you may see others (medical professionals, prenatal websites) use more specific terms to refer to your developing baby at the different stages of pregnancy.  Through week 10, the medical term for your baby is embryo. After week 10, an embryo graduates to become a fetus.

Another term to know is crown-to-rump. Crown refers to the top of your baby's head, and rump to the bottom of the buttocks. Doctors and ultrasound technicians use the crown-to-rump measurement to track the baby's size in the early weeks when s/he is curled into a C shape. You'll hear the crown-to-rump measurement being used through about 14 weeks gestation.

Are you ready to see how big your baby is now, compared to the fruits and veggies in your grocery store? Click on your current pregnancy week, or scroll down this guide to see how your baby's growth will progress as the weeks go on.

4 Weeks Pregnant

poppy seeds, which are the same size of a 4 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At four weeks, your baby is as big as a poppy seed, and .04 inches long.

5 Weeks Pregnant

a pile of rice grains, which are the same size of a 5 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At five weeks, your baby is the size of an orange seed or a grain of rice, between .05 and .10 inches long.

6 Weeks Pregnant

pomegranate seeds, which are the same size of a 6 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At six weeks, your baby is between .167 and .2 inches crown-to-rump. That's the size of a pomegranate seed.

7 Weeks Pregnant

a bowl of blueberries, which are the same size of a 7 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At seven weeks, your baby is the size of a blueberry and about .3 inches.

8 Weeks Pregnant

raspberries, which are the same size of a 8 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At eight weeks, your baby is the size of a raspberry, measuring .5-.6 inches.

9 Weeks Pregnant

green olives, which are the same size of a 9 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

This week, your baby's size is the equivalent of a medium green olive, measuring about .6-.7 inches crown-to-rump and weighing .12 ounces.

10 Weeks Pregnant

prunes, which are the same size of a 10 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 10 weeks, your baby is the size of a prune, measuring 1 inch from crown-to-rump. His or her weight is about .18 ounces.

11 Weeks Pregnant

limes, which are the same size of an 11 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 11 weeks, your baby is the size of a small lime. His or her crown-to-rump measurement is 2 inches, and weight is .33 ounces.

12 Weeks Pregnant

kiwi fruit, which are the same size of a 12 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 12 weeks, your baby is the size of a small kiwi fruit. S/he weighs .5 ounces and measures 2.5 inches from crown-to-rump.

13 Weeks Pregnant

plums, which are the same size of a 13 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 13 weeks, your baby is the size of a plum, about 3 inches long and weighing around .8 ounces.

14 Weeks Pregnant

peaches, which are the same size of a 14 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 14 weeks, your baby is the size of a peach, 3.5 inches long and weighing 1.5 ounces.

15 Weeks Pregnant

navel oranges, which are the same size of a 15 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 15 weeks, your baby is the size of a navel orange, measuring 4 inches and weighing in at 2.5 ounces.

16 Weeks Pregnant

avocado, which are the same size of a 16 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 16 weeks, your baby is about 4.5 inches in length and weighs about 3.5 ounces, making him or her comparable in size to an avocado.

17 Weeks Pregnant

pears, which are the same size of a 17 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 17 weeks, your baby is the size of a pear. S/he is 5 inches in length and weighs about 5 ounces.

18 Weeks Pregnant

tomatoes, which are the same size of a 18 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 18 weeks, your baby is 5.5 inches in length and about 6.5 ounces in weight. S/he is the size of a tomato.

19 Weeks Pregnant

mangoes, which are the same size of a 19 week old embryo in a pregnant mom

At 19 weeks, your baby is the size of a mango. S/he is 6 inches long and weighs about 8.5 ounces.

20 Weeks Pregnant

sweet potato, which are the same size of a 20 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

Halfway there! At 20 weeks, your baby is the size of a sweet potato, measuring at 6.5 inches long and weighing 10 ounces on average.

21 Weeks Pregnant

carrots, which are the same size of a 21 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 21 weeks, your baby is the length of a carrot, measuring about 9 inches long and weighing 13 ounces.

22 Weeks Pregnant

red peppers, which are the same size of a 22 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 22 weeks, your baby is the size of a red pepper. S/he measures 10 inches long and weighs around 15 ounces on average.

23 Weeks Pregnant

tomatoes, which are the same size of a 23 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 23 weeks, your baby is the size of a banana, measuring a little over 11 inches long and weighing a little over a pound on average.

24 Weeks Pregnant

pomegranates, which are the same size of a 24 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 24 weeks, your baby measures about 12 inches long and weighs on average 1.3 pounds. S/he is the size of a pomegranate.

25 Weeks Pregnant

bananas, which are the same size of a 25 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 25 weeks, your baby is the size of an eggplant. S/he measures 13.5 inches long and weighs 1.5 pounds on average.

26 Weeks Pregnant

acorn squashes, which are the same size of a 26 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 26 weeks, your baby is the size of an acorn squash, measuring 14 inches long and weighing nearly 2 pounds on average.

27 Weeks Pregnant

cabbage, which are the same size of a 27 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 27 weeks, your baby is the size of a cabbage, measuring 14.5 inches long and weighing about 2 pounds.

28 Weeks Pregnant

lettuce, which are the same size of a 28 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 28 weeks, your baby is the size of a head of lettuce. S/he measures around 15 inches long and weighs about 2.25 pounds.

29 Weeks Pregnant

cauliflowers, which are the same size of a 29 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 29 weeks, your baby is the size of a head of cauliflower, measuring 15.5-16 inches long and weighing 2.5-3 pounds on average.

30 Weeks Pregnant

broccoli, which are the same size of a 30 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 30 weeks, your baby measures about 16 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. S/he is the size of a bunch of broccoli.

31 Weeks Pregnant

coconut, which are the same size of a 31 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 31 weeks, your baby is the size of a coconut. S/he measures about 16.2 inches long and weighs on average 3.2 pounds.

32 Weeks Pregnant

Cantaloupe, which are the same size of a 20 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 32 weeks, your baby is the size of a cantaloupe. Your little weighs about 3.5-4 pounds and measures about 16.7 inches in length.

33 Weeks Pregnant

At 33 weeks, your baby is about 17 inches long and weighs about 4.25 pounds. That's the size of a butternut squash.

34 Weeks Pregnant

pineapple, which are the same size of a 34 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 34 weeks, your baby is the size of pineapple. S/he measures about 17.7 inches long and weighs 4.7 pounds on average.

35 Weeks Pregnant

honeydew melons, which are the same size of a 35 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 35 weeks, your baby is the size of a honeydew melon. S/he is about 18 inches long and 5.25 pounds in weight.

36 Weeks Pregnant

bunch of kale, which is the same size of a 36 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 36 weeks pregnant, your baby is as big as a bunch of kale. S/he weighs around 6 pounds and is about 18.5 inches in length.

37 Weeks Pregnant

papaya, which are the same size of a 37 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 37 weeks, your baby weighs about 6.5 pounds and measures 19 inches in length. S/he is the size of a papaya.

38 Weeks Pregnant

winter melon, which are the same size of a 38 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 38 weeks, your baby is the size of a winter melon, weighing in at around 7 pounds and measuring 19.5 inches on average.

39 Weeks Pregnant

pumpkins, which are the same size of a 39 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

At 39 weeks, your little is as big as a pumpkin. S/he weighs around 7.3 pounds and measures about 20 inches in length.

40 Weeks Pregnant

watermelons, which are the same size of a 40 week old fetus in a pregnant mom

Congratulations, you made it, mama! At 40 weeks, your little is as big as a watermelon (or newborn baby!). S/he measures about 20 inches and weighs around 7.5 pounds on average.

How Big Is Baby 32 Weeks Fruit


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